Tony Abbott Bill Shorten great minds cartoon 2014-04-28
Australia to share embassy costs with Britain Tony Abbott David Cameron tandem cartoon 2014-03-31
Abbott brings back knighthoods Arise Sir Tony cartoon 2014-03-26
Tony Abbott rain dance to drought farmers cartoon 2014-02-17
Don quixote aka Tony Abbott global warming windmill cartoon 2013-12-31
Tony Abbott foreshadows red tape cuts. Public servants to get bonuses for cutting regulation cartoon 2012-11-02
Nauru five years Scott Morrison Tony Abbott asylum seekers cartoon: caption “Scotty, have you got a policy that Gillard won’t pinch” “Better still I’ve pinched most of this from her” 2012-10-20
Tony Abbott no mention of turning boats to SBY talks Jakarta Indonesia megaphone cartoon
The context of this cartoon was Abbott’s vociferous advocacy to all and sundry of his Asylum Seeker policy of “turning the boats” and towing boats back to Indonesia, where the policy is unpopular. In his talks with SBY, Abbott didn’t mention the policy, using the excuse that he was against megaphone diplomacy.
Julia Gillard castigates Tony Abbott for misogyny. Her fiery speech praised in US media. Cartoon 2012-10-11
Margaret Abbott defends Tony on women: unpublished cartoon 2012-10-06
Sadly the story for this cartoon dropped off page one, so I have uploaded this rough
2012-09-13 Tony Burke scientific approach to Abel Tasman Margiris super-trawler debate
I’m a heretic on this. I’m sorry, I know cartoonists are meant to more soft-hearted. It’s true we need Marine Parks, less dredging/trawling for things on the bottom, strict quotas on overall catch and really strong regulation and limitation on long-line fishing and netting methods that get huge amounts of by-catch. Existing trawlers kill creatures we empathise with like seals and dolphins, but politicians have a knee-jerk reaction to the Margiris. It’s not true that a super-trawler is evil just because of its size. If anything it’s a better option than existing methods…..