Following Chilcot report on Iraq war, here is a link to an animation I did at the time on US lack of mission clarity:
Chilcot Report just release, damning Blair for rushing into Iraq war. Here is a flashback to my cartoons of 2002-09-30 UN cut out
Julie Bishop begs to get troops into Iraq cartoon 2014-10-20
Julie Bishop begs to get troops into Iraq cartoon 2014-10-20 (more…)
IS ISIL Iraq Sunni extremist Caliphate social media public relations atrocities Media cartoon 2014-09-15
Sunni territory grab ISIS Iraq oil fields threat Business cartoon 2014-06-14
Keating on Wall Street
Click the image to play the animation:
Bush finds reasosn for Iraq 550
Gimme that thing
Click the image to play the animation:
Naughty Iraq
Click the image to play the animation: