Bali terror predictable unpredictable 530
Telstra land line rots hear clear 530
Weapons mass destruction 530
SYDNEY Bear Bull Stock Markets like flock 530
Housing bubble markets flatten a bit 530
Simon Crean Labor conference housekeeping 530
ALP quotas for women Labor conference 530
Oct Howard Costello bubble economy 530
Sept Bush Iraq UN unilateralism 530
Iraq war start George Bush gets John Howard Alexander Downer like dogs enthusiastically go walkies 2002-09-02
I believe this cartoon is one of the best I did about the Iraq War. Howard and Downer salivate at the thought of joining Bush’s Iraq War, which had so many disastrous consequences and ended weakening the US. It distracted the West from its efforts to capture Bin Laden and punish the Taliban for harbouring him. I’m writing this note in 2012, knowing that it ended in humiliation for Bush. It was done all in the name of the Australia-US alliance but we would have been better allies to refuse to go. The cartoon won a Quill Award.