Barnaby Joyce bank scheme for drought farms cartoon 2014-02-03
Barnaby Joyce bank scheme for drought farms cartoon 2014-02-03 (more…)
Barnaby Joyce supports Pitt Street farmers 2013-12-09
Andrew Robb pro foreign investment Barnaby Joyce posture anti foreign investment economics cartoon 2013-09-16
Andrew Robb pro foreign investment Barnaby Joyce posture anti foreign investment economics cartoon 2013-09-16 (more…)
Barnaby Joyce selling off the farm foreign investment National Party cartoon 2013-09-14
2012-09-08 Barnaby Joyce Tony Abbott China investment equity Cubbie Station Business Section
Thisdiscussion about Chinese investment has raged all week and is an argument we have to have. Barnaby has excelled himself, and takes the narrow view that whatever makes him popular in the local is the way to go for Australia. Slight worry. He might be Deputy Leader under a future Abbott government